Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Wake up! Accept His gifts!
- Message No. 25 -

My child, My dear child. Today you see My Son as He suffered on the cross for you. How much He is still suffering, you, My dear children, do not realize. Every sin hurts Him. Every sin causes Him pain. He has been suffering for you for thousands of years, but you do not want to see it. Open your hearts to Him and confess Him, and His suffering will be relieved. Those who do not do this will soon experience the punishment of justice.
My children, My dear sleeping children. Wake up! The time is approaching, and you continue to sleep away, believing only in so-called "facts" and what you "see". You are living in an illusory world, which will be your undoing if you do not start to put your spiritual life in the foreground. Do not be stupid, My dear children. Come to Jesus and God the Father. They are waiting for you with open arms, just waiting to shower you with love and graces. Accept these gifts and open your hearts to You.
My beloved children, how much My Mother's heart also suffers when I see how far you have strayed from the Divine Way. You are sad, you "struggle" every day to live a reasonably pleasant life, you let yourselves be sprinkled with superficial things that do not give you any fulfillment, you hide from your true feelings, and you talk everything "to death" (note: talk to pieces). Talk to God - and you will get an answer. Ask for the Holy Spirit - and experience clarity. Ask Jesus to guide you - and listen to your heart. Your mind is so manipulated that it is hard for you to find an answer on your own to your questions that deeply concern you. Only God is the way to all these answers. Only Jesus, My Son, your brother, can accompany you on this path. He is always there for you. He is waiting for you with open arms. And He loves you infinitely!
You ask about the hierarchy: I, Mary, the Mother of all children, lead you to Jesus, My Son, your brother.
He, Jesus, your Savior, accompanies and leads you on the way to God the Father.
The Holy Spirit: He gives you light in the darkness, clarity in the world of doubts, and courage to say and do what is right.
The saints: diligent prayers, intercessors and helpers in everyday matters. They can all be there for you, help you and accompany you a part of the way and also the whole life.
The Holy Angels: Many different tasks they have. Your Guardian Angel is the one who is always with you and who, what almost all people believe, protects you. He helps you in distress as in everyday things and saves you from calamitous situations. Otherwise, the angel subject is very, very extensive, and it is not for you to know more about it at this time.
My child. Go now. I will answer your further questions at a later time.
I love you and I protect you and your loved ones.
Your loving Mother in Heaven, the Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥